Make Your Own Home Workout With Abdullah-Al Tamimi!
A home workout using items you can find all over your house.
Being resourceful is one of Abdullah Al-Tamimi’s many talents! The Squash champ created a home workout from scratch only using his living room and its furniture. Check out what Al-Tamimi had setup and be inspired to put together your very own workout session at home.
Make Your Own Home Workout With Abdullah-Al Tamimi!
Let’s kick-off with a lower-body circuit. Setup stacks of two or more pillows across the floor. Make sure you have enough space to land and take off in between each. Complete several sets of dynamic Single-Legged Hops and Squat Jumps. Once you’re done, move onto some static Air Squats and then Lunges.
Start your upper-body rotation with some Pushups. Use a chair or a couch to place your feet up at a higher point. From there you can create some variations with your hands’ placement to target different parts of your chest.
Check out this take on the Russian twist! Get into a crunch position. Grab a large pillow off your couch or your bed and use it as weight. Twist from one side to the other, focusing on your core as you carry the weight across.
Divide your workout into upper and lower body circuits
A Plank combo can be the perfect finisher to your upper-body routine. Start with a Side-Plank. Engage your core as you lift your hips and knees off the floor. Once you complete each side, move onto a standard Plank.
Cooldown after your workout with stretches
Al-Tamimi recommends that you always start and finish with stretches. Remember, slow down your workout to focus on your form and technique during every exercise. Stay tuned as we explore creative home workouts together.
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